Sunday, August 17, 2008

Train Table

Tom and Will decided they needed to build a train layout in Will's room so today we went to the lumber yard to get started. Tom was showing Will on how to pick the good wood. People looked at me lie I was crazy taking pictures in the store, but I did not care. (Shawna you would have been proud.) I thought this was so cute he was doing what Tom was and I just could not help myself but take a picture.
Then Will decided he could pick better wood than daddy so he started loading the cart.
The best part pushing it to the truck and we made a lot of people made because we held up traffic crossing the parking lot. I was one proud mom watching the boys get their things.
I will keep you updated with the progress on the layout, Tom does have one of the table done and hopefully by the end of the week the other will be too.

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