Thursday, August 21, 2008

Train Table Update

Well as you can clearly see he has the love of football, I could not be more proud.
This is him just being silly, he has a piece of Mr. Potatoe Head, you can not see it but he is laugh.
This is cute they are looking at a train catalog,and it is in the dark when i took the picture is made it look different. They do this a lot before bed.
This is will helping with the train layout giving Tom screws he will tell you "help daddy"
He is telling Daddy that the table need to be built this way, I was laughing until I cried at him this night.

Will is always doing something with train even in his sleep
He is telling his friend Wade on what he wants to order out of his train catalog.
As you can clearly see it is trains or nothing around here. I really do not get much say in what get put in Will room anymore. We are hoping to have one table put together this weekend and track to be put done. He is growing fast and has really started to say he ABC's all by himself. He can now count to ten and not leave any number out for some reason he did not like to say eight. He is ready all the time and I have decided we need to get some different Thomas books because I can now read them without even looking at the page and not miss one word. I have heard it normal. We will be starting a new Bible study and they have a great program for Will he we will start in September and it give him a chance to be with children his age, at the same time learning about the Bible. We can not wait to get started. Well I need to go for now hope everyone ready this is having a great summer and will blog again soon. Still working on getting video up hope to solve that problem soon.

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