Thursday, January 22, 2009

Will and Wade playing in the snow and our new addition to the house Lucas will be coming one day a week and the kids just love that I do to he is so cute.

The great tunnel and as you can see Will just loves it.

Ely's birthday and Will could not wait until Ely blew the candles out so he took a taste.

The snow that melted before noon.

Aunt Shawna made us happy with our TV and special chair.

Of course we had to all play guitar hero and had a great time.

This was the first time he got to see Lucas not for sure what to think.

Will's favorite things he open up on Christmas his hat and gloves and the star wars shirt his Aunt Shayla got him.

Just wanted to update everyone on what is going on here in the Martin household. We had a great Christmas and Santa brought Will lots of toys and of course a train he got a Thomas train for his layout in his room. He also got a tent which we connect with other tent and tunnels we have and use them in the living room who needs to pay to play at a fun house when there is one right in your own home.

We had a great time with Aunt Shawna and Aunt Holly, they spoiled Will and gave him lots of toys the main thing will liked was the Thomas tooth brush he has the cleanest teeth in Evansville.

The best news for all is we no longer use diapers YEAH!!! It is great he has done great we do not even use them at night. He made me take them out of his drawer the other day so now it just a sock and underwear drawer. It is nice not to have to carry a diaper bag anymore. It is bitter sweet we want him to go up but yet it is said because there is no more baby things.

We have had a couple of days where the snow has came down one day we played early in the morning because by the afternoon it was going to be gone. That is Indiana weather for you. We did have one day that we waited until later in the day and played out side and we played with a friend as you can see in the pictures.

All in all our day is busy with playing and eating and more playing, our days go by fast but we enjoy them everyday. I am so blessed to be able to stay at home with him and teach and watch him teach me the simple things. I hope you all enjoy the picture sorry it has taken me so long to update this, but i have a facebook account and been posting pictures is so much easier. So if anyone else has an account let me know and i will give you that information.

God Bless
I do have some video that i want to post but i seemed to have a child a wake on my lap and will have to post some other time hope you all enjoyed.

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