Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just wanted to send some quick pictures out of Wills Birthday we had a great time and he got a lot of nice things I will get more up sometime this week. I have great outside pictures and a easter egg hunt. Will also have pictures of him in his suit he will wear to church. Hope everyone is doing well and has a Happy Easter!!!
God Bless to All and we miss everyone that is far away we pray and think of you daily.

I had a friend make the cake she made two one had thomas on it and the other percy it was sooo cute
He finally found his gift on the floor he Tom before he even open it, it was Thomas he was close it was Diesel one of the engines from Thomas and friends.

Tom and i put balloons and one gift from us at night so when he wakes up that is the first thing he sees.

He clapped for himself after blowing out his candles

I thought he was funny and cute talking to Tom about putting the train on the track he can do it hisself most of the time.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring almost sprung!!

We spent the day outside before it gets cold again. Will loves the outside and dirt or mud. He believes the dirtier the better. He is getting bigger by the day and does so much on his own. He loves to wash his hands which is great because he likes to get dirty as I said before. Sorry it has been awhile for pictures but we seem to have had to spend a lot of time inside just playing trains. I feel like i have sent a lot of pictures of that. I am also posting a couple of videos hope everyone is doing well.

Sorry put this one first should be the other way around, but as you can see he fell off did not care and starting playing with the grass.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Just having FUN

I just wanted to let everyone see what we have been doing during the cold winter days. We played in the snow and that was fun snow ball fights no snow men would not leave the snow alone. Then we needed to clean up the table so what better way then shaving cream to do so, then we had to gives baths because they were covered head to toe but had a great time. Still have not had time to do videos but hopefully next time. Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Will and Wade playing in the snow and our new addition to the house Lucas will be coming one day a week and the kids just love that I do to he is so cute.

The great tunnel and as you can see Will just loves it.

Ely's birthday and Will could not wait until Ely blew the candles out so he took a taste.

The snow that melted before noon.

Aunt Shawna made us happy with our TV and special chair.

Of course we had to all play guitar hero and had a great time.

This was the first time he got to see Lucas not for sure what to think.

Will's favorite things he open up on Christmas his hat and gloves and the star wars shirt his Aunt Shayla got him.

Just wanted to update everyone on what is going on here in the Martin household. We had a great Christmas and Santa brought Will lots of toys and of course a train he got a Thomas train for his layout in his room. He also got a tent which we connect with other tent and tunnels we have and use them in the living room who needs to pay to play at a fun house when there is one right in your own home.

We had a great time with Aunt Shawna and Aunt Holly, they spoiled Will and gave him lots of toys the main thing will liked was the Thomas tooth brush he has the cleanest teeth in Evansville.

The best news for all is we no longer use diapers YEAH!!! It is great he has done great we do not even use them at night. He made me take them out of his drawer the other day so now it just a sock and underwear drawer. It is nice not to have to carry a diaper bag anymore. It is bitter sweet we want him to go up but yet it is said because there is no more baby things.

We have had a couple of days where the snow has came down one day we played early in the morning because by the afternoon it was going to be gone. That is Indiana weather for you. We did have one day that we waited until later in the day and played out side and we played with a friend as you can see in the pictures.

All in all our day is busy with playing and eating and more playing, our days go by fast but we enjoy them everyday. I am so blessed to be able to stay at home with him and teach and watch him teach me the simple things. I hope you all enjoy the picture sorry it has taken me so long to update this, but i have a facebook account and been posting pictures is so much easier. So if anyone else has an account let me know and i will give you that information.

God Bless
I do have some video that i want to post but i seemed to have a child a wake on my lap and will have to post some other time hope you all enjoyed.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Eating and sleeping

I just put this on I have more pictures just do not have time but this is to funny.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


This was our vacation and we had a great time!!!!!! We left last Friday morning for Milwaukee Wisconsin it took us about eight hours to get there and Will traveled great slept a lot and watched a movie or two. Thanks to Aunt Laura and Uncle Louie for lending us the DVD player. We went there for trainfest and there was so many train layouts the boys did not know what to start with. The following pictures is them in AHHHH!!!! They loved every moment. We even went to some hobby clubs layout on Saturday evening lets just say we started Saturday morning and did not stop until 10:30 that night. They are counting the days until they can go back next year.Will would look just at everything just as closely as Tom did.

This was funny every time will would want to look at something and Tom was going the wrong way he would tap him on the head and tell him to turn around. He was too cute.

This is one of the boys favorite layouts

These two pictures were cute the bottom one is Will before we got back to the hotel and the other is when we got back Tom had to take his nap, Will was watching his new video.

This was before the train ride started we are HAPPY!!!!!
This was after the train ride stopped we are NOT happy

These videos were him looking at a train club layout it is the longest standing railroad club to stay in the same building. The building is a old railroad station they heat the building with an old stove from a caboose. They history of this building is really neat I could go on on but it would bore most people so I'll keep from that.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ice Cream Fun

This was something I have been wanting to put up on the blog all summer I just got it to work. This was the funniest thing I have seen him do. We were eating ice cream at a place in Boonville after an Sunday night service. It was his first time we gave him his own dish. Sorry to say the shirt is now a play shirt it did not survive the event. I sure did have a great time watching him enjoy his food. We do have a picture of it but this was to funny to miss out on.