Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just wanted to send some quick pictures out of Wills Birthday we had a great time and he got a lot of nice things I will get more up sometime this week. I have great outside pictures and a easter egg hunt. Will also have pictures of him in his suit he will wear to church. Hope everyone is doing well and has a Happy Easter!!!
God Bless to All and we miss everyone that is far away we pray and think of you daily.

I had a friend make the cake she made two one had thomas on it and the other percy it was sooo cute
He finally found his gift on the floor he Tom before he even open it, it was Thomas he was close it was Diesel one of the engines from Thomas and friends.

Tom and i put balloons and one gift from us at night so when he wakes up that is the first thing he sees.

He clapped for himself after blowing out his candles

I thought he was funny and cute talking to Tom about putting the train on the track he can do it hisself most of the time.