Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Trunk or Treat

Happy Halloween to everyone we did our annual trunk or treat at a local church in town and got a lot of candy and had great fun. They have a car show so that also entertains the big boys and there is rides and candy for the little boys and girls. I thought everyone would like to see the pictures and hopefully I can keep up to date and not get behind. Hope everyone is doing well and we will have more pictures after our vacation. Will is on the left Ely in middle and Isaac on right
Too Cute and the gloves and mask just lasted two more seconds after this picture

We had on Police officer pumpkin Nick thought this was funny

Not for sure what they were looking at but it was not me.

This is Grace, (Dora),Nick (Police Officer), Kortnie(Little Mermaid)

It is not easy to get this many children in a picture without someone crying. Ely was not happy and everyone else was doing something other than looking at the camera.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall Fun!!!!

These are some fall pictures I took while the boys (Isaac, Ely, my nephews and Will) play outside. It was a great fall day and the sun was just smiling down on us that day. The wagon they are playing with was Tom's when he was just a little boy they love to pull each other with it.Just having a blast throwing leaves

Is that not the cutest smile?

I think he was trying to get the camera from me and i was leaning back away.

Isaac new way to smile when the camera comes out.

Ely has now figured out that he is suppose to smile

The messier the better

Ely has a ball in his hand at all times.

I think we are sharing something????

He is unbelievably strong!!!!

This was are camping trip after we went to the pumpkin patch with the youth group will slept in the van and had no problem sleeping as you can tell that is at 8:00AM he never sleeps that late.

We found one just his size!

But we tried to take this one home first he could not pick it up but he sure did try.

Our hay ride was a lot of fun!!!

We were waiting for the hayride to begin I thought he was so cute.

This is what we did for Labor Day weekend. We went to Holiday World and will have a great time there was a water park and he loved it the best. The day before that we went to a baseball game they are the evansville otters. It is a minor legue team and it was alot of fun. Some of the other pictures are of him in his room with his train layout. It is his favorite thing to play with.

This was his first ride he was on at Holiday Word he was not for sure if he liked it.
This is Will and Isaac watching his train

There is the little engineer

Ths is Will going to a train show with daddy and Peepaw

After Holiday World he slept all the way home and then some

Are they not the cutest boys ever!!!!

Will is working on the water fall trying to get the water to stop not having much luck.

A little boys water slide

Watching Holiday Dog

We of course had to ride te train and I was not for sure if daddy was going to fit.

Here is baseball game he watched some but it went to slow of a pace for him

Would not be a game without popcorn it is Will favorite snack

Sitting eating it is about all he does and it just is better when daddy eats too.
Finally something happened and he watched some of it.